Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"...the little dog laughed..."

Here is the finished illustration. 
As you can see, it has been through some alterations!

Now, the whole series needs to be unified.
This will mean some adjustments to the other illustrations.

Stay tuned!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Work in Progress "....the little dog laughed"

Still unfinished, this post shows
 the many adjustments that have been made to my current illustration. 
The good thing is, by blogging about it, 
I am seeing what I like and what I'd like to change.
How wonderful that the corrections are so easy to make
on the computer.

Here is the latest illustration with a head from a previous sketch. 
The face seems a little more fun to me.

This is what I thought was a finished composition....

I really like the sketchy quality of the following preliminary drawing. 
I will try to recreate the same feeling in the finished artwork.

And below are the color sketch and original idea.

I think I have some more work to do!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Hey, diddle, diddle......

It seems that summer provides a chance for me to move on 
with some digital painting.  

Continuing the series on the nursery rhyme, "Hey, diddle, diddle",
here's a progression from "the cat and the fiddle",
an, as yet, unfinished digital illustration.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Young Authors Visit

Last week, I was invited by Mrs. Peggy McBee, 
to address the winners of the Young Authors Competition 
from Morningside Elementary School.

What an incredibly talented group of students! 
It was my pleasure to demonstrate some drawing 
and hidden picture tips for them to use on their next project. 
As a bonus, I got this lovely hydrangea!

Thank you, Mrs. McBee and Principal Mrs. Cortina Bell-Gray
and all the winners!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

PBAA Flip-book Character

This recent digital painting is my character 
for the Picture Book Artists Association Flip-book. All the artists are submitting a character 
for this promotional work which will be an imaginative piece. 
I can hardly wait to see them all together!